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TITLE: | Bathroom Mirrors with Shelf Bathrooms Pinterest |
IMAGE URL: | http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/7c/7e/30/7c7e30b5174623ddbfe2833f377119ab.jpg |
THUMBNAIL: | https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mb822005e0af9c2c65607626e14cae787o0&pid=Api&w=133&h=181 |
IMAGE SIZE: | 265252 B Bs |
IMAGE WIDTH: | 736 |
DOCUMENT ID: | OIP.Mb822005e0af9c2c65607626e14cae787o0 |
MEDIA ID: | CDDB24A338D024F47EBADB684F071DA76CC5B694 |
SOURCE DOMAIN: | pinterest.com |
SOURCE URL: | http://pinterest.com/pin/194780752606561043/ |
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